1. A special decoder on the aircraft’s radio is programmed to recognize only the audio frequencies of the SELCAL code assigned to the aircraft. When the decoder receives the correct aircraft SELCAL code, the decoder sends an alert message to the crew so they can turn the radio audio volume back up to talk with the ground station radio operator.
  2. The CMX823 is a high performance, low power, audio tone decoder that can operate on low S/N signals. Each decoded tone frequency is user-defined to provide the flexibility to operate in a variety of paging, two-way radio and proprietary systems.
  3. Selective Calling System. SELCAL is a signaling method which can alert an individual aircraft that a ground station wishes to communicate with it. SELCAL signals can be transmitted over either HF or V.

Who lives in the overlapping zone can send a 71.9-Hz tone to use the KX4V repeater, or a 100-Hz tone to use the WA4ABC machine. Selective Calling Sometimes you want to be a little “selective” about the signals you receive. You want to be available when friends call, but you don’t want to hear all the other noise and chatter on the frequency. One of the components in the SELCAL system is a decoder. The decoder allows a ground station equipped with tone encoding equipment to call the specific aircraft by transmitting 2 pairs of assigned audio tones. The decoder is set to respond to the specific code assignment set on the front of the decoder.

RX / TXVikingPumaMultimodeConcordeJumboSelect Handmaster

The SC-12R and SC-100Z are specially developped to stop the need for constant channel monitoring, when you are waiting for a station to call, and to prevent other stations from breaking through the regular squelch control of your transceiver. They are connected in such a way that the usual noise and interference of other users is not heard, until the preceded signal is received. When detecting the preceded tones, the speaker is connected, an indicator-lamp is lighted, and the calling station may identify itself. The indicatorlamp also warns you in case of a call in your absence.

A special repeat-function is incorporated to send back automatically a called code number for confirmation. It is evident that these selective call systems lend theirselves especially to professional applications. Used in combination with a pocket-receiver, they can be extended to wide range paging systems.

The SC-12 R and SC-100 Z can be connected easily by using the specially prepared connecting cable provided by the manufacturer. They fit with almost all HAM INTERNATIONAL and MAJOR transceivers.


The SC-12R is a smalt sized 12 channel dual-tone encoder/decoder. Ceramic tuning fork selective filters combine with two high gain audio amplifiers. This latest technology in tone-signaling circuitry assures extreme selectivity and high sensitivity both in the encode and decode mode of operation. The unit is powered directly through the special connecting cable, and can be used both in AM and FM mode. The possibility to generate an extra alarm-signal (car-horn) at the reception of a call is also foreseen.


The SC-100Z is a highly sophisticated 5-tone selective call system with100 channels available. These 100 channelsare generated by a programmable activefilter and made available by the use of tworotary switches.
No tuning forks are
needed, since tone generation isdone completely by electronic circuits.
By changing 4 small connectors inside,
the number of combinations can beextended up to 12.000.
The SC-100Z is a guarantee for multiple
and problemless use.

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Copyright Daviken 2003 - 2019

5-tone Sequential Decoders-Encoder


  • Digital Tone Filters
  • Sinewave Output
  • Group Call Facility
  • Automatic Transpond Facility
  • Pre-Programmed Frequencies
  • Direct Decimal Coding
  • Constant Bandwidth
  • Operates in High Noise Conditions


These MOS/LSI monolithic circuits are fully operational 5-tone sequential code decoders/encoders, designed for use in selective calling systems using International Frequency Standards. Each device incorporates tone filters and tone generator circuits on chip and is pre-programmed to the 11 tone frequencies specified by the appropriate standard. A 12th frequency is included which allows group calling functions to be carried out using groups of 10, 100 or 1000 receivers. The FX407A & S are programmed for CCIR tones, the FX507A & S are programmed for ZVEI tones and the FX607N is programmed for NATEL tones. The 'S’ versions of the 407/507 can decode input tones of unequal lengths.
Careful attention has been paid to operation of the tone decoders under high noise signalling conditions and specially developed digital filtering techniques are employed which permit operation under adverse signal to noise ratios. The filter circuits have a constant bandwidth over a wide dynamic signal range.

Selective Call Tone Decoder

General Operation

Code programming is performed by external pin linking (direct decimal coding) and up to 100,000 codes can be programmed in this manner. Coding can be varied for receive and transmit functions and facilities are included for automatic transponding of a reply code, on receipt of the correct Address. When transmitting tones, the device generates a pseudo-sinewave consisting of incrementally stepped output levels. The output waveform has a low harmonic content and is suitable for direct modulation of transmitters.
A call number (Address code) is programmed by linking the Digit Sequence switches, S1 thro' S5, to the required Tone Digit Select inputs, 0 thro' 9. A choice of 2, 3, 4 or 5 tone call numbers may be programmed. A common code, or different codes, can be programmed for receive and transmit functions. The decoder gate period, i.e. the maximum time allowed for receipt of consecutive digits in the Address code, is set to the required value by components RS CS.
On receipt of the preset code, the decoder Address output is switched ON. The switch is latched ON until manually reset by open circuiting the Reset pin, alternatively, connecting a resistor/capacitor to the Reset pin causes automatic turn-off after a predetermined time has elapsed.
In transmit mode, the programmed code is sent once for each TX Enable input instruction (1—>0 logic level). Tones are transmitted in uninterrupted sequence until the code is completed, the duration of each tone being set by components RT CT. Each code transmission is preceded by an adjustable delay interval, set by components RD CD, to allow special user timing rules to be met.
By permanently grounding (VSS) the TX Enable pin, automatic transponding is obtained. i.e. the encoder section transmits each time the decoder receives the correct address. No transpond occurs when a Group code is received.
5-tone Group calling is obtained by connecting the output of a FX-105 single tone filter switch, tuned to the 12th tone 'G', to the Group Initiate logic input. Provided the input code contains the correct first two digits of the Address, inclusion of the 'G’ tone at appropriate points in the remaining digits activates decoders in groups of 10, 100 or 1000.
Decode and encode tone frequencies are obtained by dividing a high frequency clock (VCO) which is locked to a multiple of a low frequency reference (VCM).
The Tone Digit Select inputs are logic gates which insert correct division factors for the selected tone, absolute accuracy is determined by the VCM.

Tone Frequencies

Selective Call Tone Decoder Free

CCIR: 1121 1200.5 1278 1357 1444 1541 16-38 1747 1856.3 1983 2113 2401

ZVEI: 1057.5 1163 1269 1402 1530 1665.5 1828 2001 2203 2403 2601 2796

Selective call tone decoder software

Selective Call Tone Decoder Tool

NATEL: 631 697 770 852 941 1040 1209 1336 1477 1633 1805 1995