4.29 of 5 Votes: 3

This is Ranger's Apprentice Book 12 published with A New Beginning' added to the title. I thought it was a continuation of Book 12 featuring the new apprentice but it is in fact the same book with a new title. Don't waste your money if you already have Book 12. Puffin Books ebook ISBN 978-1-101-63861-3. Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15. Apprentice and train you as a Ranger.”.

review 1: Not a favorite but still love the characters
review 2: This is a great book and i love the way the evolve the characters.
4.29 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: The book Ranger Apprentice book 8: The Kings of Clonal, is buy John Flanagan. This story was not bad but not great. This was a better outing than the last one for this series, but still not as enjoyable as the earlier work. Halt, Will and Horace are called into the neighboring ki...

Rangers Apprentice 12 Epub Reader

4.29 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: (Audiobook December 2014) - This book raced by for me and the characters are really hitting their stride - interacting based on past events that we are all aware of. If I had followed this series as it was released the author does a nice subtle job of recapping some of those ev...
4.28 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: It's has a bunch of short stories that aren't mentioned in the first 10. The first one is Halt telling Will the story of how he really became an orphan. Will's father saved Halts life while the when the wargals were attacking. He died telling halt about his wife and son. Later ha...
4.41 of 5 Votes: 5
Rangers apprentice 12 epub download
review 1: I really enjoyed this book. Flanangan did an excellent job of really pulling you in and making you 'laugh and cry' with the characters. He did a good job with the plot being the same the whole time, but still keeping it very interesting. One of the things that I personally liked ...
4.41 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan is a fantasy story and is considered a novel. The book takes place after all the previous books, when Horace, one of the central characters is traveling in the land of Nihon-Ja. He becomes friends with the lands emperor, but soon he and the em...
4.37 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Good book!
review 2: Great series for kids... mine recommended to me, and I enjoyed the light, fast read.
4.56 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: The final book in the Ranger's Apprentice series, The Royal Ranger, takes place after an untimely death that destroys Will's life. Everyone worries about him as he lets his thirst for revenge consume him. When all seems lost, Halt decides he must take an apprentice. If being a ma...
4.41 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: ****Spoiler Alert**** The last book, the the final apprentice, the Royal Ranger, this will be the final story the final battle that will be remembered to days to come.The if you like adventure and action read this book!I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars because its so awesome. ...
4.29 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: In the book”The Kings of Clonmel” the two rangers Will and Halt hear of a religious group who tell people to worship a God and build a shrine for him out of gold. Then the religious group take all the gold from the shrine and move to a different village and do the same thing. H...
4.28 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This book really kept me hooked in because it would keep the suspense on. When you think that you might have a good idea of what is going to happen, the complete opposite happens. It is very action-packed and does not let down when it comes to the important scenes in the book. I ...
4.58 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: This book was very good in my opinion. Although it is the ninth book, I have enjoyed it as much as the others. This book starts out with a young man named Will, who is a ranger's apprentice, who has a job of protecting the kingdom and other kingdoms from evil. He has honed his sk...
4.41 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Entertaining by somewhat unfulfilling. It was fun to be back with Will and back into adventures, however much of it felt a lot like the first Ranger's Apprentice book, many of the same exercises that he did, the novelty of learning about Ranger training was no longer there. Once ...

Category: Uncategorized

Posted on 2010-08-13. By anonymous.
John Flanagan - Ranger's Apprentice Series 1-5
Plot summary
The Ruins of Gorlan
Will is an orphan who has been living in the Ward, a place where orphaned children are brought up by the charity of Baron Arald, as their parents died in service to the Kingdom. When the wards are fifteen, they are chosen to become apprenticed to a craft. Each of the other four ward-mates are apprenticed to the craft of their choice, but Will is not chosen for anything. After breaking into the Baron's office to find out more about his past, Will becomes apprenticed to the Ranger Halt, because he passed the test Halt set for him. Will, reluctantly at first, begins to train as a Ranger, and gains confidence in his new skills. While attending the annual Ranger meeting, The Gathering, Will and Halt discover that Morgarath, a former baron and now enemy of the kingdom, has sent fierce creatures, the Kalkara, to assassinate the top leaders of the kingdom. Will and Halt, accompanied by Halt's old apprentice, Gilan, set off to hunt down and kill the two Kalkara. Having discovered the Kalkaras' destination may be the capital where the king is, Will is sent to get Baron Arald and the Battlemaster Sir Rodney while Halt and Gilan contiue to follow the Kalkara. Believing Halt to be the intended victim, Will gets Baron Arald and the Battlemaster Sir Rodney to accompany him. When they return, Halt has managed to wound one of the Kalkara, which the Baron and Battlemaster finish off, but the other is stalking him. Halt, Baron Arald and Sir Rodney all become incapacitated, but Will manages to defeat the last Kalkara by shooting it with a burning arrow, as fire is their one nemesis. The Kalkara explodes in a flash of fire and the party returns to Redmont. Will returns a hero.
The Burning Bridge
Halt captures Morgarath's secret plans for battle. Will, his friend Horace, and the Ranger Gilan are sent on a mission to deliver a message for the King to the neighbouring country of Celtica. They discover that all the villagers are gone and the towns look like they were left hurriedly. Before they reach their destination, they come across Evanlyn, a girl who claims to be a maid to an Araluen lady whose party was overtaken by Wargals, Morgarath's creatures. Evanlyn tells them that the Wargals have attacked Celtica and that everyone who has not been captured has fled. Gilan rides back to Araluen ahead of the others to tell the King that there will be no reinforcements from Celtica and that the Wargals are on the move. Will, Horace, and Evanlyn decide to follow a small Wargal force. In doing so, they discover that Morgarath is building a bridge from the Mountains of Rain and Night to Celtica across the Fissure, a deep gorge whose impassable nature had formerly kept the Kingdom safe from invasion from that direction. If the bridge is completed and the Wargal army comes across, the Araluen army will be trapped on the Plains of Uthal, surrounded by Morgarath's armies. They decide that the only way to save their Kingdom from a certain defeat is to burn the bridge. Unfortunately, Will and Evanlyn are captured by the Skandians (some of Morgarath's hired mercenaries) when they find themselves on the wrong side of the bridge as it falls into the Fissure. Meanwhile, Gilan reaches the camp of the King's army and reports, realising as he does so that Evanlyn is actually Cassandra, King Duncan's daughter. Horace rushes to the camp to warn the King of the force of Skandians coming from the north, and to alert him to Will and Evanlyn's fate. Halt, along with the help of cavalry and a force of 100 archer units (an archer and a pikeman) destroys the northern Skandian army, but the King simulates a battle with them in order to lure Morgarath's army out so the King's cavalry will be on firmer ground. The Wargals are frightened of horses, and Morgarath's army falls into chaos. Morgarath sounds a truce; but to avenge himself, he challenges Halt to single combat. When the King forbids Halt to accept, Horace challenges Morgarath instead. It seems that Morgarath is the far stronger opponent, but Horace is finally able to defeat him using a Ranger knife technique Gilan taught him and Will in Celtica. With the defeat of Morgarath's army, the Skandians escape with Will and Evanlyn. Halt attempts to rescue them, but he only arrives as the Skandians' ship leaves. He vows to rescue Will wherever he might be.
The Icebound Land
Will and Evanlyn are bound for Skandia as the captives of the fearsome Skandian Jarl, Erak. Halt has sworn to rescue Will and he will do anything to keep his promise - even defy his King. He insults King Duncan so that he is arrested. As punishment, he is expelled from the Ranger corps and banished from the Kingdom of Araluen for a year. Halt is joined by Horace, who was unofficially released from Battleschool, as he travels through Gallica towards Skandia on a venture to save Will. On their way, they are challenged by freelance knights, whose aim is to capture the weapons and horses of those they defeat. However, Horace is a skilled fighter, and his ability to defeat those he fights causes him to attract the attention of other knights and warlords. Halt and Horace are captured by the local warlord, who wishes to enhance his reputation and mistakes Halt for a sorcerer. Halt challenges the prideful lord to a duel in front of his men, and wins. He and Horace continue their journey. Meanwhile, Will and Evanlyn become slaves for the Skandians in Hallasholm. Will is a yard slave in the snowy northern country, which means that his life expectancy is short since the conditions are so harsh. To alleviate his pain and stop feeling the cold, he becomes addicted to warmweed, which renders him unable to think clearly. Jarl Erak takes pity on the former Ranger's apprentice. He helps Will and Evanlyn to escape Hallasholm and tells Evanlyn that Will's warmweed addiction might be curable. They travel up into the mountains, where they must spend the rest of the winter undetected if they are to escape Skandia.
Oakleaf Bearers
Just as spring approaches and Will and Evanlyn can finally escape Skandia, Evanlyn is carried off by a mysterious horseman. Will sets out after them. He's not the only one on their trail. On the way to find Will, Halt and Horace have also been tracking the small party of Temujai, a fierce, nomadic tribe of horse warriors from the east. Will is overjoyed to be reunited with his mentor and friend, and together they rescue Evanlyn; however, the occasion is not as happy as it could have been as Halt realizes that the Temujai they discovered are only the scouts for a massive invasion force. The Skandians have no chance, unless they accept the help of their sworn enemies from Araluen. Will trains Skandian slaves as archers, in return for safe passage home. Published as The Battle for Skandia in the United States.
The Sorcerer in the North
Five years have passed since the Skandians and the Araluens made a peace treaty, and Will has finally become a Ranger, with his own fief to look after. He soon learns that even sleepy little island fiefs have enough problems to keep him on his toes. Will and his old friend Alyss are thrown into a terrifying new adventure, investigating the truth behind rumors of sorcery in a remote northern fief. As he stands in Grimsdell Forest, hearing eerie voices and seeing the horrific figure of the Night Warrior looming in the fog, Will asks himself if sorcery really exists or if there is some other explanation.

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John Flanagan - Ranger's Apprentice Series 1-5

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