Collection of Best Spiritual Books and Free Spiritual Books PDF. Free Download Books are also available here. The Book of the Secrets: A New Commentary, The original series of 80 discourses were simply called ”Vigyan Bhairav Tantra”. For publication as books they were divided up into 5 volumes, called the ”The Book of the Secrets Volume 1 - 5” (16 discourses each).The books were later.

The Book of Wisdom. The Buddha The Emptiness of the Heart. The Discipline of Transcendence Volume 1. The Discipline of Transcendence Volume 2. The Discipline of Transcendence Volume 3. The Discipline of Transcendence Volume 4. The Divine Melody. Dimensions Beyond the Known.pdf. Dogen, the Zen Master. A Search and a Fulfillment.pdf. Don't Bite My Finger, Look Where I'm Pointing.pdf. Don't Just Do Something, Sit There.pdf. Don't Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, rather Upset the Sutra Yourself.pdf. Don't Look Before You Leap.pdf. Early Talks.pdf.

Apart from the Early Booklets, none of these books were written – they are transcribed from spontaneous talks Osho gave.

Early Booklets
(compiled from writings, interviews & letters)

  • A Cup of Tea
  • What is Meditation?
  • The Perfect Way (Mt Abu camp)
  • Philosophy of Non-Violence
  • Path to Self-Realisation (Motilal)
  • The Earthen Lamps (Motilal)
  • Revolution in Education
  • The Eternal Quest
  • Who Am I? (Motilal)
  • The Inner Journey
  • The Beginning of the Beginning
  • The Long, The Short and the All
  • Where Are the Ghandians?
  • Seeds of Revolution (letters: JJK)
  • Seeds of Revolutionary Thought (Motilal)
  • Towards the Unknown (JJK)
  • Wings of Love & Random Thoughts (Motilal)
  • Meet Mulla Nasruddin
  • Beware of Socialism
  • Meditation – A New Dimension
  • The Gateless Gate
  • The Perennial Path: The Art of Living
  • The Great Challenge
  • LSD: Shortcut to False Samadhi (JJK)
  • Letters Written to Enquiring Minds
  • The Vital Balance
  • Wisdom of Folly
  • Turning In (JJK)
  • Secrets of Discipleship (JJK)
  • Lead Kindly Light
  • The Eternal Message
  • Beyond & Beyond (JJK)
  • Pointing the Way (Motilal)
  • The Inward Revolution (JJK)
  • The Silent Explosion
  • Two Hundred Two (JJK)
  • Flowers of Love (Rajneesh Foundation)
  • Early books compiled from recorded talks
  • From Sex to Superconsciousness
  • Dimensions Beyond the Known
  • Hidden Mysteries
  • The Psychology of the Esoteric
  • I Am the Gate
  • That Art Thou (The Upanishads)
  • The Ultimate Alchemy (2 vols) (Atma Pooja Upanishad)
  • Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (2 vols) (Shiva’s 112 meditations)
  • The New Alchemy (Meditation)
  • The Supreme Doctrine (Talks on Kenopanishad)
  • Yoga the Alpha & the Omega (10 vols) (Patanjali)
  • Vedanta, Seven Steps to Samadhi (Akshya Upanishad)

Pune One

  • My Way, The Way of the White Clouds (Answers to Questions)
  • Roots & Wings / A Bird on a Wing (Zen)
  • The Empty Boat (Tao – Chuang Tzu)
  • No Water, No Moon (Zen)
  • The Mustard Seed / Seeds of Revolution (Jesus)
  • When the Shoe Fits (Tao – Chuang Tzu)
  • Hsin Hsin Ming, The Book of Nothing (Zen – Sosan)
  • And the Flowers Showered (Zen)
  • Returning to the Source (Zen)
  • The Hidden Harmony (Heraclitus)
  • Tantra the Supreme Understanding (Tilopa)
  • The Grass Grows by Itself (Zen)
  • Until You Die (Sufis)
  • Just Like That (Sufi Mystics)
  • Tao the Three Treasures (4 vols) (Lao Tzu)
  • The True Sage (Hassidic Mystics)
  • Come Follow Me (4 vols) (Jesus)
  • Nirvana the Last Nightmare (Zen)
  • Ancient Music in the Pines (Zen)
  • The Search (Zen – The Ten Bulls)
  • Dang Dang Doko Dang (Zen)
  • The Beloved (2 vols) (Baul Mystics)
  • A Sudden Clash of Thunder (Zen)
  • The Discipline of Transcendence (4 vols) (Buddha)
  • The Art of Dying (Hassidic Mystics)
  • Ecstasy the Forgotten Language (Kabir)
  • The Path of Love (Kabir)
  • The Divine Melody (Kabir)
  • Tao the Pathless Path (2 vols) (Lieh Tzu)
  • The First Principle (Zen)
  • The Tantra Vision, (2 vols) (Saraha)
  • Zen, the Path of Paradox (3 vols)
  • Sufis the People of the Path (2 vols)
  • The Heart Sutra (Buddha)
  • I Say Unto You vol (2 vols) (Jesus)
  • This Very Body the Buddha (Hakuin)
  • The Diamond Sutra (Buddha)
  • Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings (Answers to Questions)
  • The Revolution (Kabir)
  • The Wisdom of the Sands (2 vols) (Sufis)
  • Take it Easy (2 vols) (Zen – Ikkyu)
  • The Sun Rises in the Evening (Zen)
  • The Perfect Master vol 1 (2 vols) (Sufis)
  • The Secret of Secrets vol (2 vols) (Tao, The Golden Flower)
  • The Secret (Sufis)
  • Unio Mystica vol (2 vols) (Sufis – Hakim Sanai)
  • Philosophia Perennis (2 vols) (Pythagoras)
  • The Book of Wisdom (2 vols) (Atisha)
  • The Fish in the Sea is not Thirsty Kabir)
  • The Guest (Kabir)
  • The Dhammapada (12 vols) (Buddha)
  • Be Still and Know (Answers to Questions)
  • The White Lotus (Zen – Bodhidharma)
  • Ah This! (Zen)
  • Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen
  • Tao the Golden Gate (2 vols) (Tao – Ko Hsuan)
  • Zen the Special Transmission
  • Theologia Mystica (St Dionysius)
  • Guide Spirituale (The Desiderata)
  • I Am That (Isa Upanishad)
  • Come, Come, Yet Again Come (Answers to Questions)
  • Philosophia Ultima (Mandukya Upanishad)
  • Zen: Zest , Zip, Zap & Zing (Answers to Questions)
  • The Wild Geese and the Water (Answers to Questions)
  • The Goose is Out (Answers to Questions)

Pune Darshan Diaries

  • The 99 Names of Nothingness
  • A Rose is a Rose
  • Above All, Don’t Wobble
  • At the Feet of the Master
  • Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle
  • Being Osho
  • Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast
  • Beloved of My Heart
  • Blessed Are the Ignorant
  • The Buddha Disease
  • Contemplation Before Sleep
  • The Cypress in the Courtyard
  • Dance til the Stars Come Down from the Rafters
  • Dance Your Way to God
  • Don’t Bite My Finger, Look Where I’m Pointing
  • Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There
  • Don’t Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, Rather Upset the Sutra Yourself
  • Don’t Look Before You Leap
  • Eighty Four Thousand Poems
  • Even Bein’ Gawd Ain’t a Bed of Roses
  • Far Beyond the Stars
  • Fingers Pointing to the Moon
  • For Madmen Only
  • The Further Shore
  • Get Out of Your Own Way!
  • God Is Not for Sale
  • God’s Got a Thing about You
  • Going All the Way
  • The Golden Wind
  • The Great Nothing
  • Hallelujah!
  • Hammer on the Rock
  • I Am Not As Thunk As You Drink I Am
  • If You Choose to Be with Me, You Must Risk Finding Yourself
  • The Imprisoned Splendor
  • Is the Grass Really Greener…?
  • Just Around the Corner
  • Just the Tip of the Iceberg
  • Let Go!
  • The Madman’s Guide to Enlightenment
  • The Miracle
  • Morning Contemplation
  • A Must for Contemplation Before Sleep
  • A Must for Morning Contemplation
  • The Ninety-Nine Names of Nothingness
  • Nirvana Now or Never
  • The No Book
  • No Man Is an Island
  • Nothing to Lose but Your Head
  • The Old Pond … Plop
  • Only Losers Can Win in This Game
  • The Open Door
  • The Open Secret
  • The Passion for the Impossible
  • The Rainbow Bridge
  • A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose
  • The Sacred Yes
  • Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones
  • The Shadow of the Bamboo
  • The Shadow of the Whip
  • Snap Your Fingers, Slap Your Face and Wake Up!
  • The Sound of One Hand Clapping
  • The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun
  • This Is It
  • The Tongue-Tip Taste of Tao
  • Turn On, Tune In and Drop the Lot
  • What Is, Is, What Ain’t, Ain’t
  • Won’t You Join the Dance?
  • You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet
  • The Zero Experience
  • Zorba the Buddha
Osho kannada books pdf free


  • From Unconsciousness to Consciousness
    (Answers to Questions)
  • From Ignorance to Innocence (Answers to Questions)
  • From Personality to Individuality (Answers to Questions)
  • From Misery to Enlightenment (Answers to Questions)
  • From Darkness to Light (Answers to Questions)
  • From the False to the Truth (Answers to Questions)
  • The Last Testament (5 vols) (Answers to questions from the press)
  • From Death to Deathlessness (Answers to Questions)
  • From Bondage to Freedom (Answers to Questions)


  • Light on the Path (Answers to Questions)
  • The Sword & the Lotus (Answers to Questions)


  • Socrates Poisoned Again (Answers to Questions)


  • Beyond Psychology (Answers to Questions)
  • The Path of the Mystic (Answers to Questions)
  • Transmission of the Lamp (Answers to Questions)


  • The Osho Upanishad (Answers to Questions)
  • Beyond Enlightenment (Answers to Questions)
  • Sermons in Stones (Answers to Questions)

Pune Two

  • The Messiah (2 vols) (Kahlil Gibran)
  • The Rebellious Spirit (Answers to Questions)
  • The Razor’s Edge (Answers to Questions)
  • The Hidden Splendor (Answers to Questions)
  • Zarathustra, a God that can Dance (Nietzsche)
  • Zarathustra, the Laughing Prophet (Nietzsche)
  • The Golden Future (Answers to Questions)
  • The Rebel (Answers to Questions)
  • The New Dawn (Answers to Questions)
  • Bodhidharma: The Greatest Zen Master
  • The Great Zen Master Ta Hui
  • The Invitation (Answers to Questions)
  • The Great Pilgrimage, From Here to Here (Answers to Questions)
  • Satyam Shivam Sundaram (Answers to Questions)
  • Sat Chit Anand (Answers to Questions)
  • Om Mani Padme Hum (Answers to Questions)
  • Hari Om Tat Sat (Answers to Questions)
  • Om Shantih Shantih Shantih (Answers to Questions)
  • Yaa-Hoo The Mystic Rose (Answers to Questions)
  • Live Zen
  • This This, A Thousand Times This (Zen)
  • Zen: The Quantam Leap From Mind to No-Mind
  • Zen: The Solitary Bird
  • Zen: the Diamond Thunderbolt
  • Dogen (Zen)
  • The Miracle (Zen)
  • Turning In (Zen)
  • The Original Man (Zen)
  • The Language of Existence (Zen)
  • The Buddha: The Emptiness of the Heart (Zen)
  • Ma Tzu: The Empty Mirror
  • Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen
  • Nansen: The Point of Departure
  • Joshu, The Lion’s Roar
  • Rinzai: Master of the Irrational
  • Isan: No Footprints in the Blue Sky
  • Kyozan: A True Man of Zen
  • No Mind:The Flowers of Eternity (Zen)
  • Zen: The Mystery and the Poetry of the Beyond
  • One Seed Makes the Whole Earth Green (Zen)
  • Yakusan: Straight to the Point of Enlightenment
  • Christianity and Zen
  • Communism & Zen Fire, Zen Wind
  • God is Dead, Now Zen is the Only Truth
  • I Celebrate Myself (Zen)
  • The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From Oneself

Hindi Titles
For a complete list of Osho’s hindi titles, see here

[PDF] Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness Download by Osho. Download Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness by Osho in PDF format complete free.

Brief Summary of Book: Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness by Osho

Here is a quick description and cover image of book Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness written by Osho which was published in 1970–. You can read this before Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness PDF full Download at the bottom.

Sex matters to us all. The Osho approach to sex begins with an understanding of how important love is in our lives, while at the same time acknowledges that the journey into love cannot exclude our innate biological energies. With this perspective, it becomes clear that the tendency for religions, and for society in general, to associate sex with sin and morality has been a great misfortune. Sex Matters begins by deconstructing the layers of sexual repression that the condemnation of sex has inflicted on human. Throughout Sex Matters – in response to questions about everything from jealousy to premature ejaculation, the role of intimacy and the differences between men and women – Osho proposes a vision that embraces sex as a fundamental gift from nature. We learn how orgasm offers a glimpse of timelessness, thoughtlessness, and pure awareness — biology’s way of pointing toward the consciousness that helps us to understand ourselves. Finally, we are presented with a clear choice: a repressed sexuality that leads to pornography, perversion, and a stunted humanity or a playful, respectful, and relaxed innocence that supports us in becoming fulfilled and whole, as nature intended.

Osho kannada books pdf downloads

Osho Kannada Books Pdf Download

Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness by Osho – eBook Details

Osho Kannada Books Pdf

Before you start Complete Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness PDF by Osho Download, you can read below technical ebook details:

Osho Kannada Books Pdf Downloads

  • Full Book Name: Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness
  • Author Name: Osho
  • Book Genre: Nonfiction, Philosophy, Psychology, Sexuality, Spirituality
  • ISBN # 9780312316303
  • Edition Language:
  • Date of Publication: 1970–
  • PDF File Name: Sex_Matters_From_Sex_to_Superconsciousness_-_Osho.pdf
  • PDF File Size: 340 KB

[PDF] Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness Download

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