Here are some Java project ideas that should help you take a step forward in the right direction. Airline reservation system. One of the best ideas to start experimenting you hands-on Java projects for students is working on Airline reservation system. PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND PROJECT PLAN To simplify the process of applying passport, software has been created by designing through rational rose tool, using visual basic as a front end and Microsoft access as a back end. Initially the applicant login the passport automation system and submits his details. Pls can someone post mini project-conference management system of ooad lab CSE 6th sem.or can u mail me at siva said: March 29, 2012 at 4:20 am.

A mini project is a bit of code which can be produced by a group or a person. Small-scale projects are utilized as a part of Students field. A mini project is a source code with enhanced capacities it can even be taken as the last year venture. Last year Mini undertakings, which they may need to make as a part of their instructive educational. OOAD LAB OBJECTIVE: To develop a mini-project following the 12 exercises listed below. To develop a problem statement. Develop an IEEE standard SRS document. Also develop risk management and project plan (Gantt chart). Identify Use Cases and develop the Use Case model. Identify the business activities and develop an UML Activity.

Create a link between passport applicant and passport officer via a police who verify allthe details and he will give report to passport officer. At first passport applicant fills the form andsubmit the required details, then police will enquire the details after getting the report then issuethe passport to the passport applicant then passport renew after 5 years if necessary. Design theapplication for the above problem description.


Create a link between Student and administrator in which student approaches the administrator and the administrator checks the availability of book. If available the administrator issues the books to students and he/she will pay the cost and receive the books. Design and analyze theapplication.

Ooad Lab Mini Projects 2019


For National level examinations, the number of participants will be huge. So, far the benefits of ruralstudents, we provide this online registration facility, where there is no need for them to come to the placefor registration.Design the application for the above problem description.

Create a link between the user and the administrator in which the user can login andadd the items and then user can get the dispatched item. The administrator can add theitems/delete/modify according to users’ needs. Then it will prepare a report and it will dispatch the item after checking the availability and then receive the product and then give it to the user.Design the application for the above problem description.


Create a link between a student and administrator in which student select the college thenviewing the college details and check whether the seats are filled in that college. If not, book theseat in that college then admit the student into that college. Design the application for the above problem description.


Ooad Lab Mini Project Topics

Create a link between customer and issuer in which customer books the ticket byspecifying the specification and issuer checks whether the tickets are available if available issuethe tickets to the customer then he/she will pay the cost and get the tickets. Design the application for the above problem description.


Once a particular branch is selected, then the entire functionality especially adding,deleting, updating employee details can be done only for that branch and not for any other branch. Design the application for the above problem description.


The swipe card of magnetic stripe is read by a physical contact and swiping past a magnetic hardwithout swiping, transactions can be hazardous. In this project, we have worked to improve the safety of transactions by incorporating a private ID which completely avoids the swiping of cards.

Design theapplication for the above problem description.


EBook Management is an application, in which the e books can be uploaded or downloaded and the eBooks can also be managed. This system also enables the user to view their activities in uploading or downloading eBooks. Design the application for the above problemdescription.


In the software industry recruitment process is basic thing that goes in hand withrecruitment as specified by technical management team. The technical skills and experience of the candidate are reviewed and short listed candidate are called for the interview. After completion of interview selected candidate names are displayed. Design the application for theabove problem description.


It is quite difficult for a person who has invested in foreign companies to convertcurrency manually. So we facilitate them with our foreign trading system. Also there is arequirement to facilitate conversion of currencies of any country to any other country. But therewe implement conversions only from Indian country. Design the application for the above problem description.


The conference management system is a web-based application for the management of delegate registration, paper submission and review. This system offers functions for creation of aconference program and publishing of the respective proceedings. Design the application for theabove problem description.


To manage the details of the project in a BPO and relate the project with employee detailsand project status. The Database Administrator of the BPO finds it very difficult to manage allthe details without this BPO Management system. So by using these large data entries of the project of clients, the employees related to them can be manipulated, stored and retrieved in asingle click. Design the application for the above problem description.

Some Final Year Projects in Computer Science projects require to be prepared for the final year students. If you need guidance on selecting a project for Final Year Projects in Computer Science, this article might be helpful to you.

Types of technologies

The following are the different types of technologies in computer science field:

  • Artificial Intelligence and robotics: Artificial Intelligence and robotics research is one of the controversial and interesting technology. The research of AI and robotics are in initial stages as of now and it has a good scope in the market.
  • Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics is an Information Technology used for managing and analysis of biological data using statistical techniques and algorithms.
  • Big data analytics: Big data analytics is used from banking to healthcare. It is the most demanding technology as the companies are competing with another to improve their service.
  • Computer-assisted education: Computer and software help in assisting or training students. This field is still growing but competing with many educators.
  • Cybersecurity:Cybersecurity is predicted to be a vital technology in the upcoming years. Today, data protection is strictly compulsory for both individuals and countries.

List of projects

Below are a few Final Year Projects in Computer Science that are simple as well as interesting.

AI Diet Consultant Management System

AI Diet Consultant Management System is an application that provides information on balanced diet instructions. The input details such as age, sex, height, weight, and family history, etc., are needed to be entered. The Artificial Intelligence dietician will give the tips related to the balanced diet. This application is developed for Android phones. This application is reliable, user-friendly, and easy to use.

Cloud-Based Attendance System

The attendance system allows the user to mark the attendance of the employee or student who is available on a particular day. The employee or the student needs to log in and scan their identity card for marking the attendance and while leaving the class. Once the card is scanned, the details of ID number, date, in-time and out-time are saved in the database. The information will be stored into a cloud that forms a connection with application and server through the internet.


With the data like in-time and out-time, the admin calculates the working hours of the employee or a student. If there is any modification in the system, only the admin has the control to modify and view the details of the attendance. We have shared a list of Final Year Projects in Computer Science below from which you can select multiple projects.

Secure Online Auction System

Online auction is a system where the products or goods can be purchased or sold through bidding. Generally, the bidding has a start price and no customer can bid less than the start price. The person who is selling the product must be a registered user and need to enter the details of the product.

On the other hand, the person who is going to bid needs to enter the details like name, valid contact number, email address, license, and PAN number, account details, etc. It has an end time where the customer cannot bid after the end time. This system is developed for a secured online auction.

Automated Canteen Ordering System using Android

Automated Canteen Ordering system is developed to save the time of the customer and the canteen administrator. The customer need not wait in the queue to order the food. The customer needs to install the application on his/her mobile and place the order. This application is user-friendly and very easy to access and use. The application displays the supply details in an easily readable format. It allows the supervisor to get the orders by scanning the QR codes from the customer’s android and serve with minimal delay.

Secure Backup Software System

Using the backup software system which is one of the Final Year Projects in Computer Science, the user can store the documents, images or videos securely and reliably. Users can store the documents in any format in a separate folder. The stored folder can be accessed only by authorized user. The backup software system is a windows application where the details are stored in SQL Database. If any unauthorized user tries to login to the folder, it immediately sends a text message and an email to the user and the admin.

Also, the folder gets blocked immediately and only the user has the right to unblock the folder.

Weather Forecasting System with Data Mining

The weather forecasting system is an application to predict the atmosphere for a particular location. Earlier, weather forecasting is done with pattern recognition. That is, if the sunset was observed as red, then the weather of the following day would be fair. These predictions cannot be proved as reliable. In the existing system, the weather is predicted based on parameters such as humidity, temperature, and wind. This system is developed with GUI. The user needs to enter the current information like temperature, humidity, and wind.

The system takes these parameters as input and predicts the weather. This prediction is reliable as it can be used in various departments such as marine, agriculture, military, forestry, air traffic, and navy.

Final Year Projects in Computer Science List

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More projects for Final Year Projects in Computer Science can be fond on our website.

Some of the other Final Year Projects in Computer Science projects are Event Management System, Advanced Mobile Store, Wifi Based Secure Wireless Communication Using RSA, Android Task Monitoring, RFID Based Automatic Traffic Violation Ticketing, and Sports Events Management Platform for Colleges.

Ooad Lab Mini Projects

You can choose any topics based on your knowledge and skill on the technology. First, choose more than one topic. Later, pick a topic based on the complexity and timeframe to complete the project. These are related to Final Year Projects in Computer Science.

Ooad Lab Mini Projects 2020

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